The Perfect Fusionof Slothful Superhero and Memecoin Magic

Join the SuperSloth Revolution - Empowering Community Governance and Fostering Sustainable Growth in a Thriving, Transparent Ecosystem

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Welcome to the World of SuperSloth!

Community Token

Run by the community, for the community!

Decentralized Governance

Democratizing decisions with voting rights for all $SSLOTH holders.

Enhanced Security

Audited smart contract, team KYC and 2 year token vesting, locked contract

Fair Distribution

Transparent token distribution via stealth launch and future exchange listings.

Locked Liquidity

Ensuring stability and trust with our multi-year locked LP.

Clear Utility

Robust ecosystem, AI-powered NFTs, IP expansion and beyond.

Our Tokenomics

  • Uniswap LP: 70% (700 billion tokens)

    2 year locked liquidity pool

  • Team: 10% (100 billion tokens)

    Vests monthly over 2 years (via UNCX Token Locker).

  • Treasury: 20% (200 billion tokens):

    Reserved for development, marketing, partnerships, community rewards, future exchange listings and more.

Max Supply


Token Abbreviation


Token Network


Emission Rate






Ecosystem Growth Fund


Liquidity Pool


Our Sloth-Inspired Purpose

At SuperSloth, our ethos is rooted in the transformative power of community tokens and their potential to inspire collective action, promote social good, and champion meaningful causes.

Just as the tranquil sloth moves steadily with patience and persistence, SuperSloth aims to offer a serene oasis amist the often hectic and volatile world of cryptocurrency. Our mission is to reshape the landscape of DeFi by establishing a secure, fully-decentralized token model that advocates for transparency, trust, and active community participation.

SuperSloth is fundamentally a community-led project. By holding $SSLOTH tokens, you become an integral part of our community with the power to influence the direction of the project, not reliant on the efforts of any centralized team or entity. While the initial framework has been laid, the real direction will be determined by our community's voice. Your votes will shape the SuperSloth landscape, ensuring constant innovation and a thriving ecosystem. Hence, our path is ultimately forged by you, the token holders, honoring our democratic ethos.

Together, we navigate this thrilling journey, tackling challenges, celebrating milestones, and building a vibrant community.

In the SuperSloth universe, “slow and steady” doesn't merely win the race – it revolutionizes the entire game.

Welcome aboard!

Pillars of Slothdom

The world of DeFi is exhilarating and full of promise, but it is also marked by volatility, risk, and often a lack of robust governance models, transparent systems, and community-focused solutions.

DeFi token holders frequently find themselves dealing with questionable project security, poor communication, opaque tokenomics, and a perceived divide between project founders and the community. To compound these issues, scams, rugpulls, and hacks are unfortunately common occurrences within the DeFi space.

SuperSloth was born out of the necessity to address these glaring challenges head-on. We are committed to revolutionizing the DeFi landscape by offering a safer, more transparent, and rewarding ecosystem.




Rainforest of Opportunities

AI Powered NFTs

Tap into the boundless possibilities of AI-generated NFTs, providing unique advantages and exclusive privileges within our ecosystem. These digital collectibles, from premium content access to enhanced functionalities, unlock a plethora of opportunities for our community.

IP Expansion

SuperSloth is a versatile brand with immense scope for expansion. The multifaceted opportunities include: Gaming, Film, Television, Sportsbooks, Merchandising, Educational Content, Partnerships and more!

Real World Impact

The Sloth Community goes beyond blockchain, actively supporting sloth conservation initiatives to make a real-world impact. Join our mission to create a sustainable future for sloths and their habitats by being part of our ecosystem and contributing to meaningful causes.

Community Roadmap



Official Launch, Smart Contracts, Community Building, Audit, KYC



DEX Listings, Meme Contests, Influencer Partnerships, Charitable Donations



Community-Fueled Growth NFTS, dApps, IP Expansion, CEX Listings

Frequently Asked Questions